While there is no generally accepted compliance mark all of our products (excluding mains cables) have an identifier to signify compliance, our invoicing will also clearly show the products RoHS Status. Where practical individual items will be labelled to show compliance with the directive, using on of the examples below.
The part number for the majority of our products will remain unchanged; there are a small number of PC application products, which have a change to the postfix of the part code for ease of identification. Our Mean Well products serial numbers are prefixed with an “R” and our consumer targeted products, which are controlled by batch codes, are compliant as of batch code 50/05.
If you are unsure of the status of your products please contact your sales representative who will be able to assist and provide you with our RoHS Declaration of Conformity. The actual delivery date for RoHS compliant products will depend on our inventory status, please contact your sales representative for details.