Sunpower Electronics Industrial Report
This report has shown how the current move to the 62368-1 standard – and for medical equipment, EN 60601-1 – is making equipment manufacturers fundamentally rethink how they design safety into their products, moving from applying prescriptive rules to following a hazards- or risk-based approach.
Additionally manufacturers must accommodate increasingly stringent standards relating to energy efficiency and resilience to environmental stresses.
This report has shown how the current move to the 62368-1 standard – and for medical equipment, EN 60601-1 – is making equipment manufacturers fundamentally rethink how they design safety into their products, moving from applying prescriptive rules to following a hazards- or risk-based approach. Additionally manufacturers must accommodate increasingly stringent standards relating to energy efficiency and resilience to environmental stresses.
The Power Behind the Sound
As audio equipment designers and manufacturers, you seek a competitive edge over others in the market place, whilst also ensuring your audio equipment continuously deliver premium sound fidelity, whether it is an amplifier, mixing or recording console, active loudspeaker or more specialised item of equipment.
Often required to be mobile and subjected to harsh environments and always subjected to compliance queries ensuring you select the most appropriate power supply for your audio application is vital to your success.
Your audio equipment must continuously deliver premium sound fidelity, often in harsh environments and always with compliance to latest and emerging legislation.
Find out how the right power supply can help you meet these critical demands.
KNX for Building Control
Building, Automation and Network control is becoming more of a standard requirement for Commercial and Residential properties as people want to control their lighting, heating, and general building management.
The Sunpower Electronics White Paper gives you an overview of KNX, about the benefits and features that could be available at your fingertips. As power supply specialists we strive in researching and developing solutions for leading technology and this report aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of KNX.
Find out how the right power supply can help you meet these critical demands.
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